Understanding Condensation in LED Headlights | SwiftlyParts

Understanding Condensation in LED Headlights

Condensation refers to the transformation of water vapor into liquid form, resulting in tiny water droplets forming on the inner surface of a lens. Halogen lights, which emit more heat compared to LED lights, aid in evaporating the condensation within the lights. Stock halogen headlamps are typically designed with a vent or built-in breather membrane to facilitate airflow and dissipate condensation, while still preventing water from entering the light.

LED lights, on the other hand, generate less heat and create a slight pressure and temperature difference between the cooler outside air and the warmer air inside the lens. This temperature difference causes air movement towards the heat source. Due to their lower heat output, LED lights may take longer to dissipate the moisture-filled air, consequently prolonging the presence of condensation. However, in most cases, condensation naturally dissipates over time. The duration of this process depends on various environmental factors, including weather conditions and humidity levels.

If you are experiencing persistent condensation in your headlights, we recommend using LED bulbs equipped with a fan cooling system. These bulbs operate at higher temperatures, and the fan helps circulate air within the headlamp housing, facilitating the evaporation of condensation.

It is important to note that condensation is a natural occurrence that can affect any type of light. It does not indicate a defect in the product, the housing, or the light's sealing. Typically, water leaks (which involve water ingress and may result in system failure) do not occur during a standard LED upgrade. The purpose of the explanation provided here is to help users differentiate between these two conditions, allowing them to determine if any action needs to be taken.

Condensation is the process by which water transitions from a gaseous state (vapor) into a liquid form. It manifests as tiny droplets of moisture that accumulate within the light fixture.
Water Ingress
Water ingress refers to the infiltration of water into the light, resulting in the formation of sizable droplets and the accumulation of pooled water that is easily visible.

In the rare event that water ingress and significant leaking are observed, with a substantial amount of water entering the light or housing, please contact our support team. We will thoroughly investigate the issue and assist you accordingly.