How to Fix Unfocused 9007/9004 LED Bulbs | SwiftlyParts

Troubleshooting Guide: How to Fix Unfocused 9007/9004 LED Bulbs

Problem: The high beam of your 9007 or 9004 LED bulb is not focused.

  1. Check for compatibility: Ensure that you have the upgraded 9007/9004 LED bulb optic design. This design addresses the issue of scattered high beam.
  2. Verify the bulb type: Compare the LED bulb with the original halogen bulb. The halogen bulb has two filaments side by side, while the LED bulb has two sets of LED chip sets arranged one after the other.
  3. Request a product exchange: If you have one of the old 9007/9004 bulbs and are experiencing scattered high beam, we can assist you in exchanging them for an upgraded product. Submit a request

We are here to help you resolve any issues with your 9007/9004 LED bulb.